About Skuish
Welcome to the wonderful world of Skuish!
Where our passion for living life to the fullest is embodied in every cookie we make! We are so much more than just a cookie company - we represent a spirit of adventure, taking chances, and enjoying every moment that life has to offer. We pour our hearts and souls into every single cookie we make, and we're so grateful to have you here to share in our journey!
It's hard to believe that it's already been three years since we started this incredible adventure. We wish we had documented more of our journey, but looking back, we can see just how far we've come. We started as a team of 18-20 individuals, rolling each cookie by hand all weekend long. It was a tough job, but we did it with the biggest smiles on our faces because of the culture we built and the sense of family we created.
The energy and vibe of our kitchen was like nothing else. We would sing, dance, and laugh as we worked, and the love we put into each cookie was palpable. It was never just about making a great cookie - it was about creating opportunities, working as a team,ย and inspiring each other and even ourselves.
As we grew, so did our passion for supporting local businesses. We bought all of our ingredients and packaging from our neighbours, even though it would have been cheaper to go through big corporations overseas. We believed that supporting our community was more important than cutting costs, and we are so grateful to have been able to give back to those who have supported us from the very beginning.
One of our proudest moments was starting our 1 box = 5 meals program (which is now 1 box = 40 meals). For every box of Skuish cookies sold, we donated 5 meals to children in need across Canada and the world. It was just one small way we could give back, and it was incredible to see the impact we were able to make.
As our orders grew, we moved to a bigger kitchen and started automating some of the process. It was an incredible feeling to see our dream come to life in such a tangible way.
And now, three years later, we are operating out of a full-blown factory! It's a dream come true, and we couldn't be more excited about what the future holds. We know that we've faced our fair share of obstacles along the way, but we've never given up. We've stayed up late, woken up early, and always kept going until we found a solution. And we're so grateful to have had our #SkuishFam by our side every step of the way.
So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for joining us on this incredible journey. Together, we've been able to spread happiness, support local businesses, and make a positive impact in the world. We can't wait to see what the future holds, and we're so excited to have you along for the ride!